Service Information
Caregiver Support Sessions
Community Support Connections
Category: Support Group
Target Population: Caregiver
Groups offered through virtual and phone call platforms
Service Details

Ongoing Caregiver and Education Support Sessions through a virtual mode. Caregivers will learn strategies to ease the burden of caregiving, and learn about supports in the community and how to access them. These sessions also provide opportunities for caregivers to connect with each other and share the challenges and joys of caregiving At this time, all groups are conducted through Zoom virtually. If this is not possible, weekly caregiver support phone calls may also be arranged.

Languages: English
Cost to Client:
No fees
Eligibility Criteria
Other Criteria:
Minimum Age: 18 yrs
Anyone who is a caregiver for someone, whether they live with them or are at a distance. This is a very open support group, and is focused on Self Care, and General Caregiver Strategies and Education
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